Friday, January 6, 2012

Parenting While Intoxicated - PWI

It can be as deadly as getting behind the wheel of a car after an all-night drinking binge.  Yet many parents dabble in it every day.  I am not just talking about the intoxication of alcohol.  There are many things in which parents indulge themselves to the point of impaired judgment or compromised mental capacity. And they don't think twice about the effects on their own kids. Abuse!  Physical and psychological. We see it in the news every day when people harm their children because of struggles with stress, depression, anger, rage, or neglect. I call this PARENTING WHILE INTOXICATED!

So why do I bring this up? You may ask me.. Are you suggesting new legislation to enact laws for regulating this so-called PWI epidemic?  No.. I believe government is already too involved in monitoring or enforcement of such things. (I have a story about this for another time.) What I want to do is encourage parents to think about their actions, their behaviors, their roles, their responsibilities, and their divine calling.  Divine calling?  What, you say? ......  More on this below.  I also want to encourage all to the kind of love for our friends and family to hold each other accountable in this area.  I believe this is much better handled by family and friends than the government could ever do.

I am GUILTY of PWI.  I am not proud to admit, that I have allowed myself to inflict harm to my own family and children because of selfish absorption into things to the point of intoxication.  Maybe not to an extreme, but hurtful behavior nonetheless.   I have made dumb decisions and choices at times. I have lost control of my anger at times.  I have neglected the needs of my kids.  I have seen others in my family and circle of friends who also struggle with this. I feel like perhaps I have learned from all of this and will do my best to avoid the same mistakes in the future.  Believe me, I have been through this over and over with God.  I believe I am forgiven and that he forgives others in the same way.  Isn't that wonderful to know?  Our God is forgiving!!  Hallelujah!!!

Today I awoke with this topic on my heart and I believe God was speaking to me. There is something significant to these thoughts I believe. At first I was a bit confused as to why this was on my mind and what I need to do with it.  During my hour-long drive in to work today, I prayed and contemplated on this.  I have always asked God in my prayers that He somehow show me the reasons for my desires.  Today, I told Him that I desire to use my life experiences for His purposes and if it be His will that I might share them with others in a meaningful way.  I also acknowledge to him that I don't desire for to gain myself any higher standing in the eyes of others or to be viewed as someone seeking praise for my expertise as a parent.  I just want to share my experiences with others like my own family, friends, and frankly, with as many people as possible, that they might learn from my past.  I pray only that sharing these thoughts would help God in His divine plan.

So, what better topic is there than this to be relevant to a large number of people?  It affects everyone on the planet.  Because we are all children... and many of us are parents.

It is not an easy topic to broach when you decide to intervene into someone's personal family affairs.  People are especially sensitive to their rights as a parent to raise their kids without being subject to criticism by others.  But rights are not the same as what is right ...BY GOD!!!!... We as parents, Christians, friends, family members who care about children have a responsibility to hold other parents accountable.  Am I swearing now?  No... what I mean is that By God's Own Inspired Word, we have some guidance to follow on the subject.  He has put the responsibility of parenthood clearly before us. This is our "Divine Calling".... by God!.  And not to leave anybody out, we as the children have responsibilities in this too. Isn't it amazing how God carefully constructed the family unit so that each of us (young and old) has important input?

In my next few blog posts, I plan to look into this deeper.  And I plan to explore at what the Holy Bible has to say.  Send me your comment if you have one to share.  Until next time.... don't fall into the PWI mistake.